Dirty data is everywhere. Some of the holiday cards you sent may have return unopened. Perhaps you’ve reached out to a member of your organization to wish them a happy birthday only to find out they retired last April. And then there’s the classic legend of the well-meaning association who sent a solicitation…to a member who had recently passed away.
Bad data leads to more than inconvenience and embarrassment.
In the association, nonprofit and events sectors, resources are limited and every dollar counts. The potential financial impact of bad information is catastrophic but poor data can also lead to higher risk, requiring an even greater emphasis on information health to provide cutting-edge, memorable experiences for members, donors, exhibitors, attendees and more.
Join Personify as we explore ways to kick off 2020 with optimized data designed to deliver the results your organization is looking for including:
- The real impact of poor data on your organization
- How to identify and understand the root cause of bad data quality
- Practical tips and techniques to get your data healthy – and keep it that way