Young Members: What’s Affordable?
What can young members afford? How can associations work to eliminate those barriers and make membership more accessible to those millennials and Gen Zs interested in joining?
You told us you want to know more on this important topic and we’ve heard you loud and clear! We’re taking a deeper dive into Young Members and the idea of affordability where we’ll explore this important topic in detail, including:
• The programs and engagement tactics most influential in establishing a strong perception of value with young members
• The median price of membership and how it squares with what we know of the financial burdens millennials and Gen Z are facing
• Actionable steps associations can take to eliminate cost as a barrier to joining – or renewing
Affordability also isn’t just about the pricing on your website. It is about how you package and offer your selection of programs and benefits, and to whom. This approach to pricing will help you understand what your young members truly want, and what features should be developed over time.