Creating an online learning program is actually a lot simpler than you may think. And given how valuable it can be for your members (plus how it can be a great source of non-dues revenue for you), it’s definitely worth a shot! Read on for a step-by-step guide!
How to leverage your resources to enhance member value
An online learning program makes sense for any association: You have tons of valuable resources to share, and you’re already viewed as an industry expert among members. (Not to mention among the industry as a whole, too.)
But have you considered what offering such a program could mean in terms of membership value?
Hint: It would make a HUGE impact!
In this guide, you’ll learn:
- Three steps for starting an online learning program (and why you’re already well on your way there)
- Tips for executing each step effectively
- How to use your program to strengthen membership value
- And more!