While the world around membership-focused organizations continues to evolve, the essential stages of the membership lifecycle remain unchanged. Members must be compelled to join, take advantage of the program, events and benefits offered and internalize the value delivered to remain onboard.
Recent years have seen the introduction of multiple studies designed to help organizations understand these steps in context of the different generations within their membership, highlighting what makes each unique and providing guidance on how to best meet their needs. For YMCAs and Jewish Community Centers (JCCs), these previous studies have been directionally helpful but may not address specific needs for their organizations.This research seeks to expand our understanding of younger members, revisiting those Millennials around whom many organizations have recently focused and including, for the first time, Generation Z through the lens of health and wellness organizations. Explore our findings, which reveal:
- Their perception of membership
- The programs and outreach techniques most effective in compelling them to join
- How they prefer to engage with an organization
- Why many are letting their memberships lapse at a surprising rate